Roe v. Wade Turns 40 →
Today marks the 40th anniversary of the historic Roe v. Wade decision by the Supreme Court. You know the one stated that women had the right to an abortion "free of interference by the State." Or perhaps you don't. A recent Pew Research Center study showed that just 44 percent of those under 30 polled knew that the case was about abortion; 16 percent thought it dealt with desegregation; and 41 percent either say it involved another issue or didn't know. Wow.
Even if you didn't know before exactly what the landmark Supreme Court ruling was about (until now!), chances are you do have an opinion on the abortion issue. It is one that divides our nation, even more acutely during election cycles, and especially during this fall when many male politicians had rather interesting things to say on the matter. (Legitimate rape anyone?) But some recent research shows we may not be as far apart on many facets of the matter as it would appear at first glance. And it, in some part, come down to labels.
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