How One Article Changed My Perspective on Mother’s Day Without My Mom →
"If you watch television, go on the Internet, or are just engaged in the world, you know that it's Mother's Day season. It probably feels pretty innocuous to many of you, if not completely annoying. I know it did for me—until my mom died suddenly in January of 2014. Then Mother's Day changed forever.
The Mother's Day Industrial Complex is vast and all-consuming from April to early May each year. Every commercial. Every email from a brand. Every gift guide on your favorite website. Every special episode of TV. (Hell, even The Handmaid's Tale was maternally themed last week.) They all just become painful triggers after your mom dies, reminders of a relationship that you can no longer celebrate the way you'd like to. My first motherless Mother's Day came just a few short months after losing my mom, and I wasn't ready for it in any way. I was still wracked with a grief I wasn't sure would ever lessen and trying to figure out how to get through my day-to-day life. How was I going to cope on a day dedicated to moms?"
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